Tips and tricks
1. Enscape Realistic Grass Tips
The first step to creating realistic-looking grass is to get this image, which we will use as a replacement for the default grass distribution.
To replace the default grass, go to:
Disk C: > Users > Local > Programs > Enscape > Renderer > System > Data > Textures > Enscape > Common
Even though there are a lot of folders that you have to open, this is nothing complicated. All you need to do after you’re at the final file is to take the original grass texture, maybe save it somewhere you won’t forget in case you want to put it back in Enscape, and then replace it with the new grass texture you have downloaded.
If you want to further improve your grass, I really like this texture which I found in the same article, and which originally came from Dan Stine in this blog post. It adds different shades of green, which is actually what grass is like in real life.

2. Reducing Elbow in SketchUp

1. Make a circle and its offset according to the required size

2. Extrude (pull) the offset area according to the required size

3. Select the top area and scale it by pressing Ctrl key.

4. Install Fredoscale plugin and use the
Radial bending tool

5. Select the center line and rotate it to the desired angle
